Yu Chengdong: Huawei is only an enabler of the industry and not a predator of the industry.

On March 14th, 2019, Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei’s consumer business, announced that "Huawei’s IOT ecological strategy will be upgraded to a full-scenario intelligent strategy. Huawei will build a colorful smart home ecosystem for the industry around the strategy of HiAI, two open platforms and three-tier structured products. "

[Photo: Yu Chengdong announced the upgrade of Huawei’s IOT ecological strategy]

Nowadays, the upgrading of home appliance industry is facing the dual challenges of standards and experience. On the one hand, in the process of upgrading traditional home appliances to smart home appliances, there is no unified standard, and the enterprise self-built platform is like an island. On the other hand, the cooperation between traditional home appliance enterprises and smart portals is not smart enough, and there is a lack of communication and scene interaction between categories. In this context, the home appliance industry urgently needs a platform or a new ecology to break these barriers.

After years of accumulation, Huawei has the ability to comprehensively promote the upgrading of the home appliance industry and establish a "true ecological" enterprise. In the future, on the one hand, Huawei will continue to take HiAI as the strategic investment direction and provide the core driving force for all intelligent businesses. On the other hand, HUAWEI HiLink platform will be upgraded to enrich the number of "1+8+N" three-tier structured products, select high-quality partners and products, and give consumers diversified choices.

Core driving force: HiAI technology empowerment

In the next 10 years, the most exciting changes in the consumer field will be the Internet of Everything and natural interaction, the software and hardware ecology will move from vertical to convergence, and AI will redefine the consumer end-user experience. The full-scene smart life ecology that Huawei wants to build is an open ecology. Facing the whole ecology, Huawei HiAI smart terminal computing platform will provide technology openness at three levels: core, terminal and cloud, and empower global partners. With the help of HiAI technology, it brings more computing power, richer scene API and supports more terminals, making the application more intelligent and powerful.

First of all, Huawei has accumulated profound AI capabilities in both cloud services and terminal services. As early as 2017, Huawei’s consumer terminal business was the first in the world to launch the Kirin 970 chip with built-in NPU, which has been upgraded to the Kirin 980 chip and applied to the latest Mate and P series mobile phones; Last year, Huawei’s cloud business launched the industry’s fastest rising chip-AI chip with -256T computing power and full HD video SoC.

Core-side ability is open, which is mainly reflected in the support of multi-frame, multi-operator, strong computing power and rapid integrated deployment ability. It can effectively break the bottleneck of end-side power consumption and computing power, and promote the scale application of end-side AI. In Huawei’s full-scenario intelligent strategy, the end-side HiAI engine can easily integrate various AI capabilities with smart devices/apps, making terminal devices/apps more intelligent and powerful. For example, let Huawei smart speakers interact with people smarter and accomplish various tasks better. HiAI Service is open to partners in the cloud: basic services such as account, payment and push provided by HMS; HAG integrated third-party atomization service.

Open connection platform: HiLink platform

If HiAI is the core driving force and the seed of Huawei’s empowering ecological partners, then the HiLink platform is the soil. Ecological prosperity is not a day’s work. Huawei consumer BG started the HiLink smart home strategy as early as 2015. Up to now, HiLink has covered 100+ life categories, and can be compatible with common connection protocols in the industry, such as WiFi, Zigbee, Bluetooth and so on.

As a fully connected architecture standard covering cloud, end, edge and core and realizing the Internet of Everything, HiLink can empower the whole ecology end to end, solve the interconnection problem between smart devices of different brands, and enable devices of different manufacturers accessing the platform to communicate in Mandarin, thus bringing users a brand-new home experience through intelligent linkage of scenes.

Huawei has always deeply understood that how to make cross-brand eco-products work together to bring more convenience and comfort to consumers is a challenge of the Internet of Things in the consumer field, and it is also a challenge that any partner can’t accomplish independently. The real ecology needs Huawei to build together with its partners. Therefore, on the HUAWEI HiLink platform, Huawei continues to empower, while industrial partners focus on providing hardware and services to achieve complementary advantages, thus continuously upgrading the smart experience of IoT products.

Huawei has built three ecological cooperation modes around the ecological strategy of HiLink smart home. Huawei’s smart products focus on deep cooperation and empowerment, and are committed to building the highest experience standard of IoT; Works with HUAWEI HiLink products focus on extensive batch cooperation, and are committed to opening up capabilities and helping partner products to experience wisdom; Yunyun docking account interoperability is committed to activating existing users and ensuring the basic experience.

In order to enhance consumers’ intelligent experience and more comprehensive empowerment partners, Ark Lab has become an important part of HiLink’s smart home ecological strategy. Ark Lab, as the world’s largest innovative carrier of software and hardware-service integration in the consumer field, has realized the landing of offline end-to-end solutions. Relying on Ark Lab, Huawei IoT solution not only enables single product experience, cross-device experience and store experience, but also enables real estate home improvement, becoming the only platform in the industry that can provide many professional capabilities for ecological partners.

2019 true ecology, HUAWEI HiLink is fully upgraded.

2019 is the first year of the smart home industry, and it is also a year of comprehensive upgrading of HUAWEI HiLink’s smart home ecological strategy. In order to bring HUAWEI HiLink’s intelligent life experience to everyone and every family, Huawei has comprehensively upgraded its brand, technology, products and channels.

In terms of brand, HUAWEI HiLink upgraded from smart home ecology to full-scene IoT ecology. Huawei is aggregating all-round internal and external resources to promote the early arrival of intelligent changes, including more than one billion yuan of infrastructure and technical standards research and development, marketing investment, ecological incentives, etc., and cooperating with thousands of partners to realize the full-scene IoT products entering Wanjia stores. At the same time, the ultimate user experience of Huawei’s 1+8 portal will be continuously empowered to IoT products through the HiLink platform, so that Huawei’s full-scene IoT ecosystem will become the best IoT experience benchmark in China, and finally become the leader of full-scene connected smart life.

Technology: Based on Huawei’s strong technical strength, Huawei’s smart home has also ushered in an important upgrade in technology. This year, the Lingxiao series chips developed by Huawei will be fully deployed in the HUAWEI HiLink ecosystem. Lingxiao CPU, Lingxiao Wi-Fi and Lingxiao Power Cat chips have been fully applied to our connection products, such as Huawei Routing Q2 Pro, WS5200 Enhanced Edition and all subsequent routing products. Next, Huawei will also launch the Lingxiao IoT Wi-Fi chip series, which will be fully open to all Huawei smart home eco-partners. Home appliances using Lingxiao IoT Wi-Fi chip and Huawei Lingxiao chip router will have more stable connection, better experience, longer coverage and lower power consumption, and can support various home appliances with batteries to work for a long time.

Products: enrich Huawei’s intelligent selection of ecological products and create more ecological explosives; Deepen the cooperation of Works with partners, from single product to full series and full category. After deeply understanding the pain points and challenges of intelligent upgrading of partners and industries, Huawei will open up more enabling capabilities in a targeted manner, including product technology, marketing promotion, channels, users, platforms and delivery quality. Among them, Huawei Zhixuan will continue to uphold the positioning of ecological innovation demonstration and constantly create more ecological explosives with professional partners; Works with HUAWEI HiLink will integrate brand manufacturers from a single model, expand and deepen to all categories and series, covering more square views and providing more price stalls for consumers to choose from.

Channels: Expand from Huawei to partner channels to create more explosions of single products; Expand from post-installation to pre-installation delivery to realize scheme integration.

At this ecological conference, Huawei announced a strong alliance with Suning and Easyhome. Huawei and Suning will carry out strategic cooperation in the field of smart home from the aspects of ecology, products and channels. At the same time, with the aim of improving the user experience, the two sides will cooperate deeply in the field of Internet of Things and smart home industry standards, jointly promote the formation of industry alliances, and jointly advocate the establishment of national smart home industry standards and norms; Huawei and Easyhome jointly build HUAWEI HiLink smart home hardcover solution, and jointly introduce home appliance product partners, indoor design integration partners and comprehensive life service partners to jointly establish solutions and service standards and norms leading the home industry and build a joint laboratory.

The signing of this strategy means that Huawei’s channel upgrade is gradually being implemented, which is an important step in the entire HUAWEI HiLink smart home ecological strategy.

By upgrading the brand, technology, products and channels, Yu Chengdong said that in the next three years, smart IoT will be turned from a dream to a reality, and one third of China’s smart home appliances will support HUAWEI HiLink, making it the best IoT ecological standard in China.

Define three elements of IoT ecology for the first time: entrance, connection and ecology.

At the HUAWEI HiLink Ecological Conference, Flash Gang, general manager of Huawei’s consumer smart home field, first proposed three elements of IoT ecology: entrance, connection and ecology, and released relevant data. The number of entrance connections of Huawei’s entire ecological platform has reached 260 million, connecting 40 million families, and the number of ecological partners accessing HUAWEI HiLink has reached more than 200.

[Photo: Flash Gang puts forward three elements of IOT]

This eco-conference is a feast for Huawei and its eco-partners. Huawei AI speakers, as the key import products, have updated their skills and features. Huawei Routing, as the core of home connection products, fully supports IPv.6 It focuses on Q2 Pro, Huawei 5G CPE Pro, which leads the global 5G trend, and four smart eco-products selected by Huawei for quality life, including iateey Smart Instant Hot Drinking Bar, Remote Control Master Air Conditioning Companion, Lake Smart Circulating Fan and Siemens Split Air Detector. In addition, Flash also brought a new product —-HUAWEI HiLink Bluetooth module, which costs less than $1.

Hua has perfect deployment in the three elements of IOT ecology: entrance, connection and ecology, and is committed to providing consumers with smarter natural interaction entrance, high-speed and stable connection products more suitable for China families, and richer ecological scene selection.

Five companies cooperate heavily to achieve ecological win-win situation

At the ecological conference, Huawei held a round table meeting with ecological partners such as Siemens Energy Management Group, Bosi Household Appliances, A.O. Smith, Panasonic Cleaning Division and Oaks Group. At the meeting, Zhi Hao, president of Huawei’s consumer business IOT product line, bluntly said, "True intelligence = good entrance equipment, control household appliances with good brands and excellent quality, and bring intelligent service experience to consumers by establishing a stable connection between them. And "true intelligence" is not something that can be achieved by a single product. It should be a systematic solution to jointly build a true ecology. “

[Photo: Roundtable of Ecological Conference]

It is worth mentioning that the five heavy cooperative brands announced this time are all leading enterprises in various vertical fields. They will cooperate extensively with Huawei in portal, AI and connection technology, and fully connect with HUAWEI HiLink platform. This cooperation is not only the addition of products, but also the cooperation of a full range of categories; Huawei entered the whole house solution this year, including water system, air system, cleaning system, energy system, etc. These manufacturers are very professional in these systems, and will work with HUAWEI HiLink to create the most convenient whole house smart home solution, bringing consumers a real smart life experience.

In the future, we welcome more professional partners from different fields to settle in Ark, and work with Huawei to create a more complete whole smart home solution.

Huawei is only an industry enabler, not an industry predator.

Smart home is the key to the era of smart internet. Huawei insists on openness and innovation and continues to polish the user experience. To this end, Huawei will fully open its technology, brand and channel capabilities, help the development of smart home industry, and strive to build the first smart home ecology in China within three years, so as to achieve the goal of $10 billion in three years. This is what Huawei has to do. If it is confirmed, it will stick to it, and it will polish the experience to first-class and finally surpass it.

It is worth noting that Huawei is a trustworthy partner. Huawei’s entry into the smart home market is not to make its own home appliances, but to build a brand-new and open platform, join hands with traditional home appliance manufacturers for rapid transformation, and jointly build a smart home quality life. The space left by Huawei to its partners is vast. Huawei empowers its partners in technology and sales channels to enhance their brand value and product sales.

For consumers, HUAWEI HiLink integrates many excellent brands and provides more diverse smart home products. This open approach greatly promotes consumers’ autonomy in product selection and enhances the intelligent experience.

As Yu Chengdong said at the ecological conference, "Huawei is only an enabler of the industry, not a predator of the industry." Behind this sentence is Huawei’s commitment to the ecological partners to jointly prosper the smart home ecology, and it also highlights the atmosphere of Huawei’s king in the smart home field. I believe that Huawei will definitely bring new promotion to the smart home industry and bring consumers a more extreme experience.