Match the level and make friends (special report of Paralympic Games)

On August 25th, Feng Yanke (middle), B-class champion of wheelchair fencing individual sabre, Castro (left), runner-up of Polish team, and Triantaphyllou, runner-up of Greek team celebrated at the award ceremony. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xiong Qishe

On August 25th, Zhang Li (left), the S5 champion of the women’s 200m freestyle swimming, and the Italian team were at the award ceremony. image china

On August 25th, Tan Shumei (middle), B-class champion of wheelchair fencing women’s individual sabre competition, Olena Fedota (left), runner-up of Ukrainian team, and Xiao Rong, runner-up of China team, were at the award ceremony. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xiong Qishe

On August 25th, Ho Lee (left), the gold medalist, won the A-level final of the individual fencing in wheelchair. Chen Xishe (People’s Vision)

On August 25th, Bian Jing (left), the A-level champion of wheelchair fencing women’s individual sabre competition, exchanged greetings with the final opponent. Chen Xishe (People’s Vision)

  After hitting the winning sword, Ho Lee, a wheelchair fencing team player from China, shouted excitedly. After more than one day’s competition, Ho Lee won the men’s sabre individual A by 15: 12, winning the first gold medal for the China sports delegation since the opening of the Tokyo Paralympic Games.

  On August 25th, the first competition day after the opening of the Paralympic Games in Tokyo, the China sports delegation won 5 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze in track cycling, wheelchair fencing and swimming, ranking second in the medal list.

  "It’s not easy to win today’s game. When I was behind, I told myself that I couldn’t give up, just hold my horses and hit every sword well." Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Ho Lee participated in the Paralympic Games for the first time, but showed a "big heart". He thinks that the key to winning is to adjust the mentality in time, seize the opportunity and lock the victory in the game, regardless of the stalemate or adversity.

  Ho Lee’s victory greatly inspired his teammates who came out behind, and the China wheelchair fencing team was on a roll, winning three more gold medals in succession. Feng Yanke, Bian Jing, who participated in the Paralympic Games for the second time, and Tan Shumei, the world champion, won the men’s sabre individual competition B, the women’s sabre individual competition A and B respectively. Feng Yanke said: "The sabre competition is fast and there are many confrontations. Only by daring to fight and dare to fight can we play our own temperament and style."

  "Win! Good job! " Within two hours, this sentence was repeated four times by Gong Jiatao, the leader of the wheelchair fencing team. The more he shouted, the more excited he became. On the 25th, he led seven athletes to attack four events. "Finally, he got 4 gold and 2 bronze medals and handed over a good report card."

  The two levels of women’s individual sabre competition are new events in this Paralympic Games. To win the first gold medal in the event, the pressure before the game can be imagined. At the end of the competition, Kong Lingsen, coach of wheelchair fencing team, finally put down his heart after hanging for a day. "The players are very competitive, thanks to the motherland! Thanks to the players! " He said: "But we have to make persistent efforts and continue to invest in the following games."

  Compared with the level, it also matches friendship. There was a touching scene in the wheelchair fencing field. After the game, Bian Jing didn’t leave the stage immediately, because the opponent in the wheelchair was inconvenient to move, so she took the initiative to push him out. Bian Jing and the Georgian team player had already known each other in the stadium. After the game, they wanted to help her as much as possible. "There is not only a competition where you lose and I win. It is what we should do to unite, friendship and show the good image of China athletes outside the game. I am very happy."

  In the competition for the track cycling event on that day, the China team also got a pleasant surprise. In the women’s 3km individual chase C1— In the level 3 qualifying tournament, China players Qian Wangwei, Zeng Sini and Wang Xiaomei broke the world records of C1, C2 and C3 respectively. Wang Xiaomei advanced to the final with the second place and finally won a silver medal. Chen Tuxin, the leader of cycling team, said that the Paralympic cycling project has been dominated by European and American athletes for a long time. This time, the athletes of China team can set a world record and win the silver medal, which is not a small breakthrough, showing the team members’ indomitable spirit, which is exciting.

  Swimming is China’s major event in the Paralympic Games. On the 25th, 10 athletes participated in 6 events. In the S5 class of women’s 200m freestyle, Zhang Li of China successfully defended her title with a time of 2 minutes 46.53 seconds.